Insider - May 2017

Environmentally-conscious Rollomatic is turning to solar energy

Rollomatic is concerned about sustainable development, and since 2013 it has been part of a new federal energy consumption reduction plan for 2014 to 2023, with the help of the Energy Agency of the Swiss Private Sector (EnAW).

Installing 4300m2 of solar panels on the company's roofs means we can not only reach our energy saving objectives, but also reduce our carbon footprint.

In 2016, the solar energy we produced covered more than 44% of Rollomatic's total consumption (~1.35 GWh), saving 358.5 tonnes of carbon dioxide, the equivalent of the average consumption of 170 households in Switzerland.


As a reminder, over the last few years Rollomatic has also implemented other measures, particularly when constructing new buildings: blinds which close automatically in sunny conditions to limit the installation of energy-intensive air-conditioning, dimmable lighting to make the most of natural light, temperature control thanks to hydraulic circuits in roofs for increased energy production and, finally, heating and cooling using heat pumps with geothermal probes for greater energy efficiency.

Our US subsidiary, Rollomatic Inc, has also installed solar panels with a total capacity of 198 kW & numbering 660 panels all manufactured in the U.S. By the end of this year, expected yearly production will be 240 MW per hour. Thanks to the Solar Renewable Energy Credits & net metering policy, the project has made sense from a business perspective. In addition, Rollomatic has also renewed its commitment to sustainable energy through this new solar installation.


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