The sustainability of Rollomatic’s business model, products and infrastructure and the high regard in which the company holds its employees and their well-being have always been the clear foundation on which Rollomatic is built. Rollomatic keeps its organisation as cross-functional as possible in order to maintain this philosophy. Rollomatic makes significant investments in training its employees, continuously optimising the company’s environmental footprint and offering innovative working conditions that foster the values that were first instilled by Michel Rollier, the company’s founder.
To further strengthen its commitment to sustainable development, Rollomatic has set up a “Sustainable Development” group made up of members of the management team alongside representatives from certain areas, such as “health and safety”. This group is responsible for constantly seeking the best ways to
follow in the footsteps of the company’s decades of effort and finding concrete means of sustaining that effort.
To enable these measures to be implemented, Rollomatic has decided to take a selective approach when choosing what actions it takes in terms of optimising its sustainability. As such, Rollomatic shares the aims of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. These goals set out a course of action to achieve a
better, more sustainable future for all. On this basis, through an impact analysis that takes into account not only the impact on Rollomatic’s business model but also the impact on stakeholders, seven goals (selected from the UN goals) have been identified as priorities for Rollomatic.
Rollomatic supports the Sustainable Development Goals